The wealth of Aarshadharma knowledge dissects various fields such as philosophy, management, psychology and religion. Our ancient seers and sages have selflessly given us the gift of life through their penance in different ways and methods to suit each individual of the society. No one is left behind in the heart of the sages, who did penance for World peace. Our sages have established that its not just Artha and Kama but also Dharma and Moksha that are equally important in the pursuit of happiness. Modern life has lost this meaning and significance.
To pursue holistic ways to achieve complete fulfillment of human life, and to treat all life as divine and precious is our motto in protecting Aarshadharma. We endeavor to protect our Arshadharma through dissemination of ancient Vendatic knowledge, which benefits all humanity regardless of any boundaries. To this end, our other efforts to help the poor students, cow protection, saving endangered arts all come together to sustain the four pillars of human life, Dharma, Artha, Kama and ultimately Moksha.
Our efforts to protect and disseminate Arshadharma encompasses various methods such as publishing of ancient knowledge in easy to understand language, research work to promote the survival of ancient Vendatic practices, extracting knowledge of obscure and hard to find texts across various realms and facilitating people to gain this knowledge from different sectors through Shri Samavedam gaaru’s discourses (Pravachanam). These discourses dissect various topics across philosophy, religion, scriptures and practices. They enable people to understand these pearls of wisdom through speeches that are also recorded for later use by Rushipeetam. Such discourses on eclectic topics such as Bramha Sutras, Ramayanam, Mahabharatham, Mooka Panchasathi and various others are made available at very reasonable prices to one and all to cherish forever.
We also protect Arsha Dharma through felicitation programs, in which people who have dedicated their lives to protect and propagate Arsha Vidya are honored under the Rushipeetha Purskaram.
Finally, Rushipeetham Magazine, a monthly feature, provides extensive information on various aspects of Hindu Arsha and Sanathana Dharma. Eminent writers share their knowledge through this magazine which is available for yearly and lifetime subscription. Shri Samavedam gaaru regularly contributes his thoughts in the magazine on topics that enrich our lives by constantly inspiring and reminding us of our great Arsha heritage and culture. To conclude, we are constantly endeavoring to protect and promote our Saampradaya through various efforts to reach out to the larger society and remind ourselves the greatness of our ancients and our Country. Jai Hind!